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Open Flame/Pyrotechnics Permit Request
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Applicant Name
Applicant Phone
Applicant Email
Applicant Title
Show Title
Show Dates
List of show dates
Show Dates
If multiple dates, add a new line for each.
Total number of shows
Building Number
If you don't know your building number,
use this search tool
to find it. Otherwise, enter "NA" if not applicable.
Building Name
Building Address
Effects Information
Please describe Effect Number, Type of Effect, Anticipated Duration, and Ingredients of the Open Flame / Pyrotechnics Effects.
UArizona Contacts
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Enter 10-digit office or 6-digit Zoom phone. Example: "520-555-1234" or "Zoom 123456"
Contact Email
Department Name
Production Stage Manager Name
Technical Director Name
Costume Shop Manager Name
Related Files
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Maximum 3 files.
2 MB limit.
Please read and confirm the following requirements:
Production Stage Manager and Applicant have reviewed this information, which is an accurate description of the open flame/pyrotechnic effects intended for this production.
Technical Director has reviewed this information and approved the use of these effects.
Costume Shop Manager has reviewed this information and can provide appropriate flame-retardant treatment of the costumes.